Sprong Meets a HedgeHog
Last time on "Sprong"......
Sprong kept hopping merrily along thinking happily about his wig, and imagining all the wonderful things the other frogs would say about his new wig. Instead of cheers, everyone laughed at him, and told him he was better off bald. So it was with the greatest sorrow that Sprong left his pond afraid that he would never again see his beloved home.
I invented this fuzz. I call it my wig."
" Well, I like it. Pleased to meet you. My name is Spongy."...................
Sprong Meets a HedgeHog
"A pleasure I'm sure. Would you like me to show you where I got all my fuzz?"
"Oh, yes." Spongy replied. "If you would please."
So Sprong took Spongy to get himself some fuzz. Then Spongy invited Sprong back to his puddle for supper.
"This in a nice puddle you have here." Sprong said cheerfully. "Did you inherit it from you're father?"
Spongy looked down, suddenly sad. "No. I got separated from my family when I was just a tadpole. Actually, a kind old toad gave it to me after I helped him sink his wife."
Sprong was concerned, and felt badly for him.
Spongy continued. "The old toad then went to live with his daughter and grandtads. He said I could have this puddle since it reminded him too mich of his dear Gorda."
"I see.." Sprong replied. He then asked, "Do you have any idea what happened to your family?"
"Not really." Spongy said forlornly, "I got caught in a mist, and when it cleared, I couldn't find them."
"Really?" Sprong felt as if he had heard this story before. "Say, you're family wouldn't have happened to be bald too would they?"
"My mother wasn't, but my father was. He always said that I inherited the best thing about him. I'm not really sure what he meant, unless he really LIKED being bald."
Sprong swallowed hard.
"What was your mother's name?" He asked.
"Paddy. Wh..."
But Spongy didn't get to finish what he was saying. Sprong had jumped on him, and was shouting at the top of his lungs.
The day after the Two brothers' reunion, Sprong and Spongy decided that they had some brotherly bonding to catch up with. So they went bugging.
Now, you may wonder what bugging is, the term not being in common use. It is, in fact a rather popular activity that frogs engage in, which involves cathing as many different types of bugs as possible, and then comparing the number of different catches to the number of catches the other frogs got.
While out bugging, Sprong asked Spongy if he would like to pause their game for a while in order for him to get a little rest. Bugging is very tiring you see. Spongy said that he perfectly understood, and was attracted to the idea himself. So Sprong went out to find a nice damp spot to rest in.
As he was hopping he heard a quiet call from the bushes.
"Hey you, little frog, come here. Little bald frog, come over here I've got to tell you something."
Wary, but curious, Sprong made his way to where he suspected the voice to be coming from. When he reached the bushes he saw a big old hedgehog squinting at him.
"Did you want something?" Sprong asked confused.
"Yes." The hedgehog replied. "I wanted to tell you that you're a very odd frog."
"Is that all?" Sprong asked more confused than ever at the hedgehogs strange behavior.
"No, no, no. Of course not." The hedgehog answered amused. "I also wanted to tell you that you have a very special quality. Not many frogs are bald, but those that are have been blessed."
Now Sprong was absolutely convinced that the hedgehog was crazy. But because he didn't want to be rude, and because of the hedgehogs size, Sprong decided to humor him.
"Well, thank you very much Mr. Hedgehog. I really haven't seen how my baldness is a blessing, but perhaps I just haven't appreciated it like I should." Sprong said as seriously as he could.
"Eh? What's that? You never found your baldness to be a blessing? Why I've known a frog who would have been dead many a time over if not for his baldness! And you don't appreciate it. Kids these days. They never appreciate anything"
And with that the hedgehog trudged off. Leaving Sprong bewildered, confused, and wondering what frog the hedgehog had been talking about.....
Sorry guys. I know the story was supposed to be titled "Sprong meets a hedgehog and get's a girlfriend", but I JUST couldn't get it all in one issue. I've stayed up late enough as it is.
Sprong kept hopping merrily along thinking happily about his wig, and imagining all the wonderful things the other frogs would say about his new wig. Instead of cheers, everyone laughed at him, and told him he was better off bald. So it was with the greatest sorrow that Sprong left his pond afraid that he would never again see his beloved home.
I invented this fuzz. I call it my wig."
" Well, I like it. Pleased to meet you. My name is Spongy."...................
Sprong Meets a HedgeHog
"A pleasure I'm sure. Would you like me to show you where I got all my fuzz?"
"Oh, yes." Spongy replied. "If you would please."
So Sprong took Spongy to get himself some fuzz. Then Spongy invited Sprong back to his puddle for supper.
"This in a nice puddle you have here." Sprong said cheerfully. "Did you inherit it from you're father?"
Spongy looked down, suddenly sad. "No. I got separated from my family when I was just a tadpole. Actually, a kind old toad gave it to me after I helped him sink his wife."
Sprong was concerned, and felt badly for him.
Spongy continued. "The old toad then went to live with his daughter and grandtads. He said I could have this puddle since it reminded him too mich of his dear Gorda."
"I see.." Sprong replied. He then asked, "Do you have any idea what happened to your family?"
"Not really." Spongy said forlornly, "I got caught in a mist, and when it cleared, I couldn't find them."
"Really?" Sprong felt as if he had heard this story before. "Say, you're family wouldn't have happened to be bald too would they?"
"My mother wasn't, but my father was. He always said that I inherited the best thing about him. I'm not really sure what he meant, unless he really LIKED being bald."
Sprong swallowed hard.
"What was your mother's name?" He asked.
"Paddy. Wh..."
But Spongy didn't get to finish what he was saying. Sprong had jumped on him, and was shouting at the top of his lungs.
The day after the Two brothers' reunion, Sprong and Spongy decided that they had some brotherly bonding to catch up with. So they went bugging.
Now, you may wonder what bugging is, the term not being in common use. It is, in fact a rather popular activity that frogs engage in, which involves cathing as many different types of bugs as possible, and then comparing the number of different catches to the number of catches the other frogs got.
While out bugging, Sprong asked Spongy if he would like to pause their game for a while in order for him to get a little rest. Bugging is very tiring you see. Spongy said that he perfectly understood, and was attracted to the idea himself. So Sprong went out to find a nice damp spot to rest in.
As he was hopping he heard a quiet call from the bushes.
"Hey you, little frog, come here. Little bald frog, come over here I've got to tell you something."
Wary, but curious, Sprong made his way to where he suspected the voice to be coming from. When he reached the bushes he saw a big old hedgehog squinting at him.
"Did you want something?" Sprong asked confused.
"Yes." The hedgehog replied. "I wanted to tell you that you're a very odd frog."
"Is that all?" Sprong asked more confused than ever at the hedgehogs strange behavior.
"No, no, no. Of course not." The hedgehog answered amused. "I also wanted to tell you that you have a very special quality. Not many frogs are bald, but those that are have been blessed."
Now Sprong was absolutely convinced that the hedgehog was crazy. But because he didn't want to be rude, and because of the hedgehogs size, Sprong decided to humor him.
"Well, thank you very much Mr. Hedgehog. I really haven't seen how my baldness is a blessing, but perhaps I just haven't appreciated it like I should." Sprong said as seriously as he could.
"Eh? What's that? You never found your baldness to be a blessing? Why I've known a frog who would have been dead many a time over if not for his baldness! And you don't appreciate it. Kids these days. They never appreciate anything"
And with that the hedgehog trudged off. Leaving Sprong bewildered, confused, and wondering what frog the hedgehog had been talking about.....
Sorry guys. I know the story was supposed to be titled "Sprong meets a hedgehog and get's a girlfriend", but I JUST couldn't get it all in one issue. I've stayed up late enough as it is.
At 4:34 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Shelley you should copy all your Sprong stories and any good poems over to Irishbrats, then kill this blog.
At 9:54 AM ,
Unknown said...
At 2:04 PM ,
Disciple said...
“Then Spongy invited Sprong back to his puddle for supper.”
I was looking forward to a Hannibal Lector like encounter here. Ah well.
How long will it take for the siblings to work up a suitable mutual hatred for one another? Another day?
All Spongy really wants is a nice pond. I guess that’s why he’s called Spongy.
I’ve noticed a lot of dead frogs on the road with my dog recently. I believe they intentionally jump under the wheels of cars. We really don’t credit them with enough wisdom and intelligence!
At 6:08 PM ,
Disciple said...
Why are there only 5 comments?
People are a mystery to me.
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