The REAL Braedsen Village Chronicles VII
Well.... are we eager to see what Shelley will come up with next? Good.
The Braedsen Village Chronicles VII
"Lots of little plot lines, no endings...."
Brother Duard looked at the document in his hand gravely as he strode down the long hall to Justice’s chamber. He did not bring good tidings and therefore was not eager to be the one to tell the General the bad news. Besides he was hungry, and it never did one good to be yelled at while hungry. He went reluctantly to the door and knocked.
"One moment." Came the strong reply.
"Oh, great." Duard thought, "He sounds like he’s swamped…. Maybe I can sneak off without.."
The door opened.
"Come in, Brother."
Brother Duard entered the room and tried not to look as worried as he felt.
"I have some bad news to report, sir."
By all outward appearances, Duard was not in the least concerned with anything but the news he was reporting.
"I have here a report from one of my scouts General. As they were returning from a mission, his detatchment was set apon by brigands, and only one member of the detatchment seems to have escaped."
Justice looked displeased, but merely waved for Duard to continue.
"The scout party we sent to look for suspicious activity in and around Braedsen Village found more than they were prepared for. Of the entire detatchment only Karlin Marsiol made it back. The rest were taken for questioning. I would say that they needed to be left to their fate, die for their King, except......."
Duard knew he had to play his cards right if he was going to get his men out of their predicament.
"General..... Brion Mcdonal was one of the party. He was going along for training..... I don't believe he'll last long if they torture him, and if we don't act quickly, the bandits will repot our location to the enemy."
Duard hoped he had judged rightly, and that Justice would allow him to take two or more detatchments to his men's aid.
The next morning the women learned the names of the men who had been captured, Dafead Boardof, Joseph Passive, Joseppe Zepranni, and Brion McDonal.
"Those poor men," Genna shuddered, " I heard some of the men talking about how they were going to torture them today."
Sister Christian’s face looked hard. "I hate to say this, but I’m somewhat glad that this happened."
Genna and Keitha looked at her in bewildered distaste.
Sister Christian cleared her throat. " You see, with the Brethren to preoccupy the bandits, there is less chance that they’ll pay attention to us. Not to mention the fact that there is likely to be a rescue attempt by the rest of the Brethren."
Genna and Keitha were still looking at her oddly. Sister Christian, under the weight of their gazes, felt compelled to speak further. "I’ve been doing much thinking lately. It’s been hard for all of us, but I thought it was time to start seriously considering our options given the situation. The bandits don’t seem to me the sort who would like to sit down and have a syllogistic conversation, so naturally reasoning with them had to be……"
Sister Christian never got to finish, for there was a sudden and tremendous outburst from the surrounding trees and the camp was put into immediate uproar.
"I have here a report from one of my scouts General. As they were returning from a mission, his detachment was set upon by brigands. Only one member of the detachment seems to have escaped."
Rosetta woke with a start.
Keitha! She’s in trouble. No, it was just a dream.
Sometimes Rosetta had trouble knowing which of her visions were real and which were just nightmares. She could have sworn that her dream about Keitha had been a vision , but….. Rosetta closed her eyes…. Now that she was awake, she could no longer feel the danger that had been in her nightmare. Rosetta put a hand to her forehead.
That’s what it had to have been, just a nightmare.
And who had those men been? She hadn't ever seen them before, and she had never had a vision about a stranger before. What could it mean?
Suddenly Rosetta snapped her head up. Here was danger only for herself this time. She turned and looked toward the wagon doorway. In it was the silhouetted form of a man. She didn’t need to see his face to know who he was. He had tried to kill her before, but she had always known enough ahead of time to avoid him. It seemed as though her powers were slipping, and that she was about to pay a terrible price for it.
There you are guys. I hope you're in enough suspence that you want me to write more. By the way, for the purposes of my story, a normal detatchment consists of about 8-14 men.
Love you guys!!!
The Braedsen Village Chronicles VII
"Lots of little plot lines, no endings...."
Brother Duard looked at the document in his hand gravely as he strode down the long hall to Justice’s chamber. He did not bring good tidings and therefore was not eager to be the one to tell the General the bad news. Besides he was hungry, and it never did one good to be yelled at while hungry. He went reluctantly to the door and knocked.
"One moment." Came the strong reply.
"Oh, great." Duard thought, "He sounds like he’s swamped…. Maybe I can sneak off without.."
The door opened.
"Come in, Brother."
Brother Duard entered the room and tried not to look as worried as he felt.
"I have some bad news to report, sir."
By all outward appearances, Duard was not in the least concerned with anything but the news he was reporting.
"I have here a report from one of my scouts General. As they were returning from a mission, his detatchment was set apon by brigands, and only one member of the detatchment seems to have escaped."
Justice looked displeased, but merely waved for Duard to continue.
"The scout party we sent to look for suspicious activity in and around Braedsen Village found more than they were prepared for. Of the entire detatchment only Karlin Marsiol made it back. The rest were taken for questioning. I would say that they needed to be left to their fate, die for their King, except......."
Duard knew he had to play his cards right if he was going to get his men out of their predicament.
"General..... Brion Mcdonal was one of the party. He was going along for training..... I don't believe he'll last long if they torture him, and if we don't act quickly, the bandits will repot our location to the enemy."
Duard hoped he had judged rightly, and that Justice would allow him to take two or more detatchments to his men's aid.
The next morning the women learned the names of the men who had been captured, Dafead Boardof, Joseph Passive, Joseppe Zepranni, and Brion McDonal.
"Those poor men," Genna shuddered, " I heard some of the men talking about how they were going to torture them today."
Sister Christian’s face looked hard. "I hate to say this, but I’m somewhat glad that this happened."
Genna and Keitha looked at her in bewildered distaste.
Sister Christian cleared her throat. " You see, with the Brethren to preoccupy the bandits, there is less chance that they’ll pay attention to us. Not to mention the fact that there is likely to be a rescue attempt by the rest of the Brethren."
Genna and Keitha were still looking at her oddly. Sister Christian, under the weight of their gazes, felt compelled to speak further. "I’ve been doing much thinking lately. It’s been hard for all of us, but I thought it was time to start seriously considering our options given the situation. The bandits don’t seem to me the sort who would like to sit down and have a syllogistic conversation, so naturally reasoning with them had to be……"
Sister Christian never got to finish, for there was a sudden and tremendous outburst from the surrounding trees and the camp was put into immediate uproar.
"I have here a report from one of my scouts General. As they were returning from a mission, his detachment was set upon by brigands. Only one member of the detachment seems to have escaped."
Rosetta woke with a start.
Keitha! She’s in trouble. No, it was just a dream.
Sometimes Rosetta had trouble knowing which of her visions were real and which were just nightmares. She could have sworn that her dream about Keitha had been a vision , but….. Rosetta closed her eyes…. Now that she was awake, she could no longer feel the danger that had been in her nightmare. Rosetta put a hand to her forehead.
That’s what it had to have been, just a nightmare.
And who had those men been? She hadn't ever seen them before, and she had never had a vision about a stranger before. What could it mean?
Suddenly Rosetta snapped her head up. Here was danger only for herself this time. She turned and looked toward the wagon doorway. In it was the silhouetted form of a man. She didn’t need to see his face to know who he was. He had tried to kill her before, but she had always known enough ahead of time to avoid him. It seemed as though her powers were slipping, and that she was about to pay a terrible price for it.
There you are guys. I hope you're in enough suspence that you want me to write more. By the way, for the purposes of my story, a normal detatchment consists of about 8-14 men.
Love you guys!!!
At 4:26 PM ,
Tracy said...
Yaaay!! Woo hoo!! Here we go again! Blog stories!!
At 4:17 PM ,
Unknown said...
It shall......
if anyone decides that they are willing to lower themselves enough to read it. Good Grief! Where did all the peeps go?????
At 10:34 AM ,
Unknown said...
Oh jeez, I'm tired of entertaining myself here guys....
I don't want to write too much and have no one want to read my blog because of too many posts, but at the same time it would be nice if there were more than two people interested in my posts.
*sigh* Oh the trials of actually having time to spend on the internet.
I just saw Anna Marie. It was such a surprise! I knew that there was a reason that I liked Tuesdays.
At 7:47 AM ,
Tracy said...
*all* of the blogs are dead, Shell! But, seriously, I really, really want to know the ending of this story!
At 2:09 PM ,
Little Lizzie said...
Me too!!! I LOVE YOU, SHELLEY!!!
At 3:40 PM ,
Disciple said...
Feb 8, 2007
Ditto, without the love.
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