Artistic Nonsense

I'm an artist who writes nonsense..... Or is that just part of being an artist....

Friday, October 28, 2005

In Honor of Christa



Monday, October 24, 2005

This one's for you Tracy

Alright Tracy, so you think my blog is boring? Well I told you I was going to be normal and boring for a change... And you didn't believe me.. What a shame. Try to understand my meaning next time.

So you don't want me to be boring? Alright I won't!

I went to the doctors today to have them check my throat. I've had a sore throat for a while now, and they offered to see me for free. So anyway, the lady told me to be there by 5:30 because the doctor would be done with his last patient about then, and she thought that he might leave soon after if I wasn't there on time... I had work from 2:30-5:00 that day, a 21/2 hour break, and then another student at 7:30. So I figure it shouldn't be too bad. I'd have to rush to get there, but I'd definitely be there for my last student... Not so. What ended up happening is as follows.
I went to work as normal; cut my 4:30 student's lesson a bit short; hurry through rush hour traffic; take the wrong entrance; find the right entrance; find a parking spot; take a flight of stairs up; descover that I'm supposed to be on the previous floor; go back down; find the entrace to the building; look for the right suite(I figure they go by floors, 200 for 2nd, 400 for 4th, etc); can't find it; go up a floor; descover that I'd been on the right floor the first time; go down a floor; finally find the right suite; ask the person at the desk if the doctor is still in; the woman tells me he is, and that she'd tell him I was there; by this time it was 5:40(I made pretty good time); I wait for an hour; call the studio and let them know that I might need a sub; wait another 1/2 an hour; am finally let into the back area; the doctor comes out, and is surprised to see me "I didn't know you were here"; I was VERY irritated; then I wait another min until I am shown into the office; I am in and out of the office; arrive home at 8:30; and that was my day. Thanks for lis... reading.

Friday, October 21, 2005

A new post

Hello everyone. I decided to put up a new post even though I have nothing to say. I realized after reading T.'s new post that I don't really need to say anything important. All I have to do is post! So... Goooooo NOW, no NOW!

I'm just as strange as Christa, so why does SHE get all the attention?..... Maybe it's because she puts up a thousand comments for each post. If that is what everyone desires I shall do my best.

Nevermind. I've decided that being strange isn't F.W. I shall henceforth try to be normal. Yessiree you shall no longer hear me say, or read anything I've written that is srange, unusual, or flat out kooky. I shall be the perfect example of a average boring person.

I'm eager to try out my new found un-uniqueness.

And so I leave you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I know, I know.....

Yes, I know.. I said that I hated the word verification, and now I am being hypocrytical and making everyone use it. I know. Hear me out. I figured out that the reason no one could hyper-link from my profile to my blog is that I selected the -do not show blogs on blog site- option. And since I couldn't have both a no W.V. and the hyper-link to my blog, I decided to give in... and...... USE THE STINKING WORD VERIFICATION!!!!!!!!!!

I hate myself for a hypocrite.

So, I finally got it to work. And....

Well, There is the picture I wanted to post in the first place. I really don't have many pictures of myself, and none that are good.......... You know, people seem to think that telling someone that a picture of that person, which that person think looks awful, is a good picture of them is a compliment. (That was a hard thing to communicate. I'm sure I could have written it better, but you'll just have to try to decipher it.)
It is most certainly NOT acompliment. They think it's a bad picture of them! Telling them it's good is like telling them their ugly.
Take the mother of a certain family. She told one of her daughters, after said daughter lamented over the camera adding 15lbs, that actually it looked like the camera had taken OFF 15lbs! I mean, how much closer can you get to telling a person they look fat?! Not much.
Anyway I have strayed from my origional intent, which was... is...... Oh, drat, now I've forgotten.... I'm sure it'll come to me later. Uh, I love Ireland. I have to go clean now. Goodbye!

Oh yeah, I'm going to be reposting all of my old posts. Just ignore them. They'll take up a lot of room, but in the words of GinNs.."They'll get put into archives eventually" See Ya! :)

Monday, October 17, 2005


Yes, well. I decided to change my background. I thought I MIGHT get some much needed, much deserved attention if I did. Tracy got a lot of attention because of hers. But then, Tracy ALWAYS gets a lot of attention. I suppose it's because of her F.W. ways........*sigh* I wish I were more F.W., but I don't suppose that I shall ever be. ~wipes away tear~ *sniff* -looks down forlornly-...... But since I never will be, you all should have pity on me, and humor me by commenting on any one of my posts.

:) Shelley the forgotten. (Good Grief, I'm starting to sound like Ginny)

Short and sweet

Hi. Just wanted to write a short post.
You know, the kind Tracy hates.
This Post is short.
I am sweet. (And don't any of you DAAAARE dispute it. Or ELSE!!!!)
I am short. (I am.... sort of.)
I'm chewing gum..... that's sweet.
I... Uh.... Tgis post has gotten out of hand..
I'm outta here.... *Click*

PS. I thrive on weirdness. Couldn't you tell from my first million posts?

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm all alone

Well, hello all. I'm just sitting at home on a Saturday morning...Allllll Alooooone. Why? Because my "loving" family didn't see fit to tell me where they were going today. And where WERE they going? To a baptism. So guess what? I got dressed up, and ready to meet them there(I called my dear sweet mother who LOVES me, and she told me where they were) and then tried to call my brother.(who didn't remember to turn his phone back on after the baptism) Well, that left me with nothing to do so I sat down to mess around on the computer.... Then my employer called. She want's me to go help out with a car wash. So, not only do I not get to hang out with my siblings, I have to go WORK. On a SATURDAY. Thanks guys. I love you too. Well, I have to leave now. Gotta go warsh cors. :-/

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Well, this is cool...

Now I have *three* blogs I can post on.


Who would've thought a blog could be so much fun?

Hi Shelley!! Thanks for inviting me to your blog!

: D

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Jenny and the Padre

There once was a girl named Jenny,
She had a big brother named Denny,
She was a very big brat,
He'd never been fat,
(However, it's not important)

Jenny had a thing called a blog,
Her sis, wrote the story of a frog,
and then one sad day,
It was goodbye to Padre,
(He packed up his bloggs and he went)

This left little Jenny quite sad,
She knew this would make her blog bad,
She wrote her farewell,
then cried for a spell
Until all her tears were quite spent.

This blog by Jenny
Had been named you see
(Named for the Padre)
He shouldn't have left "ay"
In his wake he has left a dent.

I know it needs polishing, but I figure that I may as well publish it as not.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Another little rhyme

Okay so... you want me to write another one. One about a specific person? Alright let's see what I can come up with....

Once upon a time,
Shelley made a ryme,
And all her bloggers thought that it was great.

"Well, that is nice" she thought,
but it put her on the spot,
She realized her mistake a bit too late.

Boy should she have known,
That all of those at home,
Would ask her to make rhymes at quite a rate.

Do more, write more, they said,
So much it hurt her head,
She should have known that this'd be her fate.

To try to make a rhyme,
Well.... it takes a bit of time,
And they don't always come out quite so great.

She tried it anyway,
And it turned out okay,
But if you want more it'll simply have to wait.

There you go. If you hadn't guessed, this one was about me. :) That's just what came out.

PS. If you can't tell by reading this, I have "a slight headache" right now. Oh well... We all get them.

Monday, October 10, 2005


Well..... As you can see, I got rid of quite a few of my previous posts. They were taking up too much room. Oh, and I finally decided to make a short post that wouldn't intimidate people.


If you may recall, we left Sprong hopping away to show his pond-fellows his new "do". Which, for those of you who may be wondering, was a rainbow of colors.

Sprong kept hopping merrily along thinking happily about his wig, and imagining all the wonderful things the other frogs would say about his new wig.
"Sprong dear fellow, good to see you!" He said in his best mayor-frog voice.
"Oh, Sprong! How fuzzy and pretty you look!" He said in a not-so-good Cordelia-frog voice.
He was about to say something in his Frig-the-know-it-all voice when someone shouted at him to get out of the way.
Of course as frogs will do when someone tells them to get out of the way, Sprong hopped every which way, and never really went anywhere. He was hopping about frantically when he was hit very hard in the side. So hard, in fact, that he flew several inches before hitting the soft dirt.
"Why didn't ya move when I told ya to!?" Demanded a gruff, cracky voice. "Ya might a been squished!"
"I thank you of course for saving my life", Sprong began somewhat disoriented, "but you just said to to move. You didn't say where to."
"Sure I told you to move! And when you're in the middle of the human road, that generally means to move off the human road!" The animal who had saved his life was not particularly happy with Sprong, and had a grumpy disposition besides.
Sprong cleared his head enough to think. Blinked a few times, and turned to examine his rescuer.
It was a turtle.
"Well, um... I don't mean to sound rude..." Sprong said hesitantly, "but.. You're a turtle."
"Well. I'm Soooo glad you pointed that out. I'd a had Noooo idea if you hadn't pointed that out. What in the name of The Great Sea Turtle are ya doin' here?"
"Well, I was just on my way home, and I.... well, I.." Sprong didn't get to finish.
"Ya weren't payin' attention! That's the problem with you hatchlings these days, yer ALWAYS day dreamin' an NEVER pay attention to what yer doin'!" Mr. Turtle you see, had children of his own. Thirteen to be exact. And as fathers will do, he treated every young animal the way he would treat his own hatchlings.
"Next time be more careful. There won't always be someone around to save your skin."
And with that Mr. Turtle turned, slowly, and went off across the field.
Sprong just stared after him, wondering how in the Pond that old turtle had moved quickly enough to save him.

A little shaken after his ordeal, it was with a slightly heavier heart thet Sprong continued his journey back to the pond. His spirits could not stay low for long. Soon he was hopping about as merrily as ever, unable to control his delight about his new wig. He eventually started to sing. Or tried to sing, as the case may be. I can tell you it was not pleasant to listen to. But Sprong didn't care he just kept singing....

Oh, I skip and I hop to my heart's delight,
I've got a new wig, croak, ribbit, croak croak,
The Pond will all love me, they'll think I'm alright,
I've got a new wig, croak, ribbit, croak croak.

The verses went on and on, verse after verse, until Sprong came at last to his pond.
However, as you may have guessed, Sprong had been wrong about how his fellow pondodians would greet him. Instead of cheers, everyone laughed at him, and told him he was better off bald. Even the mayor-frog, who was supposed to be an example of temperence and virtue, turned his back on Sprong. So it was with the greatest sorrow that Sprong left his pond afraid that he would never again see his beloved home.

The next day Sprong was startled awake by the sound of an astonished croak.
"Ribbit! What are you?" The startled frog asked.
"Hello. Sorry to startle you, but I'm just a frog. An ugly frog who wishes he were beautiful." Sprong answered dejectedly.
"Oh... Well, I don't think you're ugly said the frog.
And for the first time Sprong noticed that the frog looked.... different.
"Why, you don't have fuzz!" Sprong said amazed.
"Yes. I know." Said the other frog resigned. "But I wish I had some. And what I wouldn't give to have fuzz like yours."
"But it's not mine." Sprong said, excitement welling.
And with that he took off his marvolous wig.
"Oh my!" Exclaimed the other frog. " You are bald too."
"Yes. Pleased to meet you. My name is Sprong." Sprong announced, proud for the first time about introducing himself. " I invented that fuzz. I call it my wig."
" Well, I like it. Pleased to meet you. My name is Spongy."

Read the next issue of Sprong
"Sprong Meets a HedgeHog, and Gets a Girlfriend"

Thursday, October 06, 2005

A REAL limmerick

I've been reading all you say,
(fine have it your way)
I'll write a little limmerick just for you.

You want to hear a rhyme?
Well then, you are just in time,
Today I don't have all that much to do.

I'll admit it's rather small.
A few words all in all.
It's really not the best that I can do.

But, Oh dear! I forgot,
(I do that quite a lot)
I have to pack before the day is through.

We're going to see my bro.,
The one who is.... you know,
Let's just say he has a lot to do.

In fact he is so busy,
He's put in quite a tizzy,
And never has the time for me or you.

But We all understand,
He is in high demand,
The duties of a "sem" are never through.

Well, this has been quite fun,
I'll write another one,
but the buzzer just went off, and that's my cue. ;)


The Wig

Well, It seems that everyone enjoyed my little story about Sprong so I will write more. You can stop the insanity at any time by asking........ or closing you eyes. Okay, so..... the next episode of Sprong.

Sprong Gets a Wig

If you can recall, we left poor Sprong hopping away unhappily, after just having descovered that he is bald, and wondering why no one had told him before. Being as intent on his thoughts as he was, and seeing as how a frog cannot think and hop at the same time, it is understandable that Sprong soon hopped right into a wall.
"OOfff!" He grunted uncomfortably. "This would have to happen to me. I'm always unlucky like that."
"Unlucky like what?"
Sprong was startled.
"Who said that?"
"Me, I did."
Sprong looked up.
"Oh, hello. I didn't see you there.. What are you?"
Sprong had never seen anything like him.
"I", the animal said, "am a lizard. Haven't you ever seen a lizard before?"
"No." Sprong replied, "You look like a snake with legs to me."
"Oh, really?" The lizard replied irritated, "Well you look odd yourself. Who ever heard of a bald frog?"
Sprong was hurt by this, but he had a sudden idea.
"Hey... You were a snake, and you got legs. Maybe I can get fuzz!"
"I am not, was not, do not want to be a snake!" replied the lizard. "But I think you may be on to something. I know of a place where you might be able to get some fuzz. I don't know how you'll get it to stick to your slippery body though."
"Well, where can I get some?" Sprong asked getting excited, " How do I get there?"
After giving Sprong directions, if somewhat roundabout, the lizard resumed his sunbath, and Sprong hopped excitedly in the direction of the fuzz.

He had been hopping for quite some time, when he came to the spot the lizard was talking about. It was magnificent. He had never seen so much fuzz in all his life. And in all sorts of colors too.
(For those of you who may be wondering, this particular fuzz had come from plants, much like dandelions, which happened to be seeding.)
Sprong Sat and looked at the stuff, wondering how on earth he was to get it to stick to him. He absentmindedly flicked out his toungue to catch a fly, and caught a whole bunch of fluff in his mouth instead. Then when he could not get the stuff out of his mouth he realized what he needed to do. He found it rather disgusting at first, but the stickiness of his saliva did the trick.
When he was completely covered in fuzz he looked at himself in a puddle nearby, and admired all the colors.
"I am so good looking." He said to himself. "In fact, I look even better that the other frogs."
And with that he hopped of to go show everyone at his pond.

Read the next issue of "Sprong":
"Sprong Meets His Long Lost Bother Spongy"

Oh, my gosh Justin

Justin!!! I can't believe you!
Where did you get that picture
of me anyway?! You are sooo
mean!.... You know what? I am
going to keep it. I may look like
I have a black eye, but it
obviously is how you think of
me. I must say, it DOES rather
suit me. Queen. Evil. Theatric.
Dramatic..... Yes, I really
believe you chose accurately,
now that I think about it. ;)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A poem

Okay, Tracy put a lot of poems on her site so I decided to make one up myself. Although it'll probably be more of a limmerick. Let's see what I come up with........

In the state of Oklahoma lives a family
Whithin this family lives a spirit
Whithin this spirit is love
Whithin this love is God

And God is Love
And Love is a Spirit
That spirit lives in a family
That family lives in Oklahoma

Okay, that wasn't exactly anything, but it was what came to me.

A little story

Okay everyone, I am going to tell a little story.(It was the question thingy that came up in my blog magigger) I know that this will seem weird, but I am who I am. Well, here goes nothin.........

Once upon a time, in a land not too far away, lived a little frog. His name was Sprong. Unlike all the other frogs, Sprong was bald.....
You didn't know that frogs used to have fuzz? Well then, you need to hear the story of Sprong..........

Sprong was hopping along one day when he came upon one of the frogs from his pond.
"Oh, it's you.." Said the other frog. Who's name, by the way, was Troid.
"Hello." Said Sprong. "Would you like to help me catch flies?"
"Maybe some other time." Troid replied in a I would never want to do anything with you voice.
Sprong didn't even notice, he was used to the way the other frogs treated him. So he kept on hoppping.
After he had gone a ways, he met another frog. He had never seen this frog before, but being a very polite frog, he greeted her.
"Nice day isn't it?" He asked cheerfully.
The other frog just stared at him.
Sprong thought her very rude, but decided to try again.
"It is a good day for catching flies." He said, trying to stay cheerfull.
The other frog still did not answer him, and he became angry.
"Listen", he said in an I've been patient, but now your getting on my nerves voice, "I don't know who you are, but if you don't want to talk to me, I wish you'ld just say so instead of staring at me."
The other frog looked startled and finally said, "I'm sorry, it's just that I've never seen a frog without fuzz before."
Now it was Sprong's turn to be startled.
"What do you mean? I'm just like all the other frogs."
"No" she replied, "all other frogs have fuzz, but you don't."
Sprong looked down at himself. At least, he tried. But all he could see were his feet, which everyone knew weren't supposed to be fuzzy.
"Am I really bald?" He asked the strange frog. " why has no one ever told me before?"
"Perhaps they thought you knew." She replied. "I did."
Sprong did not answer her. After looking at him for a little while longer, she hopped off.

To Be continued............
Read the next issue of Sprong. "Sprong Buys a Wig"

I just thought we should have a blog site with a blue background...

Hello everyone! I know it may seem like I am copying, but really I'm not. I just thought we needed a blue blog. Oh yeah, I almost forgot the OTHER reason I decided to make a blog. That reason is....... That the others just aren't weird enough.

Okay, okay. So I'm sitting at home bored to death because Andrea, once again, has taken a movie I was planning on watching this evening. Granted it was her movie, but even so! I could sit here and vent for hours, but I won't. Actually, I'm pretty certain that no one will even have read thus far...... I'll add more on other blogs. As it is, I'd just like to see if I can even get this one to work.