Artistic Nonsense

I'm an artist who writes nonsense..... Or is that just part of being an artist....

Friday, November 25, 2005

Deleted post.

Sorry guys, I just couldn't bear to have those weird, less-than-attractive pictures of me on my blog anymore. I not only couldn't stand to look at them, I couldn't stand the THOUGHT of having anyone ELSE look at them. In other words, I did a lot of sitting. But I'm standing again. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What day is it today??

Hmmm...... It is 12:11 am. What does that mean???



I stayed up this late just so I could tell you that.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Alright everyone, time for the next issue of "The Tinker's Daughter"!!!!!! Hooray!


Enyanthe had grown up traveling with her father. Tinkering was her life, and the only way of life that she'd ever known. She wasn't too eager to do anything else. Oh, she'd wished that she had more friends, but now that she was older, that desire had passed. In it's place came the hunger for knowledge. The understanding that, while she might have traveled far, and seen things others had never imagined, she knew considerably less than she should about family. She had her father, but she wished that she could have a mother, or a sibling. Her mother had died when Enyanthe was very young, and had never had any more children.
Often, Enyanthe and her father were joined by other travelers, such as jesters, and minstrels. Enyanthe had learned to play the lute from a elderly minstrel who had stayed with them until he passed away, and Enyanthe still had his old lute. The old minstrel had also taught her to sing, but Enyanthe knew that she would never be good enough to sing for a living. A young jester had taught Enyanthe how to juggle and tumble, and a young dancer had taught her how to dance all the Sheirian dances, two court dances, and also how to stretch to keep her body lithe.
Enyanthe was grateful for all that she'd had the opportunity to learn, but she wanted to know how to sew, cook, and mostly how to read. Her father knew how to read, but only in his native language. Enyanthe had learned how to speak a few words in Frangersh, but it wasn't a common language and really would be of little use to her anyway.
Enyanthe was contemplating how she might find someone willing to teach her to read, when her father called to her.
"Enya, I need to go get Epona another horse-shoe at the blacksmiths. I need you to watch the booth for a while."
"Of course father. You know that I don't mind." She replied with a half smile.
"Aye, your a good girl, Enya." Her father kissed her forehead, and set off for the smithy.

Enya hadn't been watching the shop long before she noticed that an unusual amout of customers were men. The odd thing was, that they didn't seem to know what they wanted to buy before she suggested it. It was a little scary, but thrilling. Enya had never sold so much merchandise in so short a time before.She was put out of her good humor when she saw an urchen snatch a trinket from a table in the back.
"Stop! Please, someone stop that child!" She shouted.
If the urchen had taken something else she might have let them have it, but not this. Aside from her long thick curly hair and ivory skin, that trinket was the only thing she had inherited from her mother.
A tall guard had caught the rag-a-muffin, and was bringing him to her.
"What do you want me to do with him miss?" The guard asked politely.
"Please, don't hurt him." She answered, "I would only like to have my trinket back."
"I didn't take anything." The little boy answered, "And I'm NOT a boy!"
Enya was startled, and she could see that the guard was too.
"I beg your pardon," she addressed the girl, "I was hasty and didn't bother to look closely enough. I'm sorry that I mistook you for a boy, but I saw you take my trinket."
"I didn't TAKE IT!!!!" Shouted the little girl. She looked scared.
"Do you want me to search her?"
Enya could tell that the guard was not eager to do so, but only said it out of duty.
"You may not have to." She turned and addressed the little girl again. "Do you want this man to have to shake you until the trinket falls out of your pocket?" She asked.
The little girl shook her head horrified, and started crying.
"Then give me my trinket."
The girl just cried louder. Enya had no idea what to do with her, but looked helplessly at the guard.
"Hold on there, little one," He said taking responding to Enya's glance, "no one will hurt you if you admit that you took it."
The little girl looked up, hopefully.
"Do you give your word as a thief?" She asked.
Amazingly, the guard kept a straight face when he responded.
"Well, not as a thief, but as a guard."
The girl licked her lips.
"Wellll.... okay then." And she produced the trinket from a pocket Enya would never have known existed.
"Thank you." She said, to both the little girl and the guard.
"I have four children of my own, and I appreciate that you handled the situation so appropriately."
Enya thanked the guard again, and turned to the urchin as the guard left.
"What is your name little one?" Enya asked.
"Why do you want to know?" The girl responded shrewdly.
"So that I may know what to call you. Unless you want me to keep calling you "little girl"."
"Minn, you look hungry. Would you like something to eat?"

You can imagine that Enya's father was not a little surprised when he came home to find that Enya had closed down the shop for the rest of the day, and was feeding a pile of rags at the table. Enya explained about Minn, and her father was understanding about that, but when she told him how much she had made and why, he was surprisingly irritated.
"You say the were mostly men, huh?" He said gruffly. "Well none of them had better be thinkin' about courtin' you that's all I'm sayin'."
"Oh, father." Enya said laughing, "I'm sure that none of them had any such intention."
"You think so? Well I'll tell you one thing, me dear, they wouldn't have gone anywhere near that booth if you hadn't been standing behind it."
"Father, do not tease me, you know as well as I, that I am no beauty."
"I know no such thing! You look just like your mother, and as I have told you before, she was more beautiful than any other woman I've seen."
"And that is as it should be, father, but you forget that I look more like you than I do her."
"MAybe ya did, but no more. Aside from my height, you're the spitting image of your mother. You have her eyes, even though they're the color of mine."
"Hm, well thank you father, but I reserve the right to disagree."
Her father grumbled a bit, but sat down and ate dinner without another word on the subject. The next day, they found out that Minn was an orphan, and asked her if she wanted to go with them on their travels. As you may have guessed, Minn responded to this question with an enthusiastic "YES!".

It was a few weeks and another town later before the tinker had to leave the booth again. As he was leaving, he gave Enya strict instructions as to how to handle any men who might want to court her.
"Don't bother being gentle with these men Enya. They won't leave you alone unless you give them a definite "no". Don't hesitate to ask for assistence from a guard."
"Don't worry Mr. Tinker, I'LL take care of her." Minn said crossing her arms.
The tinker smiled and replied, "I'm sure you will Minn, but I think that Enya needs to learn to take care of herself, don't you?"
Minn didn't reply, but stood there looking defiant. Enya smiled at her father, told him that she'd be careful, and gave him a kiss goodbye.

The day went fairly normal, until a young knight walked up to the booth, and stared at her for a munute without saying a word.

Read the next issue of "The Tinker's Daughter": Enyamthe Meets Sir Kael

Monday, November 14, 2005

okay, more of nothing.

It has come to my attention, that even though Ginny and Tracy write no more sense than I do, THEY get all the attention.
AND it has also occured to me that I really don't mind. If THEY get all the attention, than THEY gat all the unwanted visitors(except one) and THEY get all the weirdo's saying that they've read their blog. HA! Why in a milloin years would I want THAT!!???

I wish that I didn't have to go GET stamps. I am going to have to marry someone who will..... Actually, I could just be a nun. That way, I'll never have to go buy stamps.
Really, I wouldn't mind getting stamps, but everytime I go, the SAME guy is at the counter. I have made an idiot of myself in front of that guy, and he hasn't forgotten it. So I don't like going there. Seriously though, if i ever DO get married, my husband is going to have to have a LOT of patience for all of my quirks. I am a very....... abnormal person. I have a lot of odd things I am unwilling to do, and for many odd reasons.

Odd is the word of the day.... night. See how many times you can get the word odd in a sentence without seeming too odd.
Good luck!

Okay, today is Monday. Ungh. That means I have a WHOLE week to go before I get a day off. BUT it ALSO means that I have a blessed TWO days and three nights, until i have to go to the House of Horror. *sigh* I'll enjoy it while I may.

Dan, poor guy, has to stay at work late. He even got up at his normal time(6:00) or so I heard.(I was neither up nor indeed at home when Dan got up.) For those GOSSIPS among you... I wasn't anywhere to be concerned about, I was at my parents house. I was homesick....*sticks out lower lip increadibly far and pouts**flutters eyelashes* I missed my mommy an daddy a lot. *sniff, sniff*

Anyway, Dan won't get off work until 12:00. For those of us who are night owls, it may not seem that bad, but Dan isn't. Like I said earlier he got up at 6:00 this morning. I don't know any night owls who do THAT regularly. most of us think that 8:00 is early.

Well, this post is long enough, and so far I have managed to say absolutely nothing.

My work here is done. Farewll citizens!

Friday, November 11, 2005

It wasn't so bad....

Okay, so it wasn't as bad a day as I thought it would be. But that's a good thing. Actually, I'm surprised at how good a day it was considering that the longest I was able to sit down today was for two hours. I was on my feet the rest of the day. Ugh! My feet hurt. Could someone come massage my feet? I'll give you a cookie.

Well, I have a rehearsal tomorrow that I hope I can remember to go to. Ginny, if you read this before...... 10:00 Sat. the 12th, call and remind me about rehearsal. I am in a bit of trouble considering that my voice hasn't been doing very well today. I can only hope that it feels better tomorrow.

I think I'm going to go on a one-meal-a-day fast in hopes of getting a good score on the ACT.

Unfortunately, it'd probably just make me gain weight, so I guess I'd better not. No, I will...... well..........

Thursday, November 10, 2005

To whom it may concern...

Well, today was almost as bad as I expected, but I'm certain that tomorrow will be even worse. Although, it hardly matters considering that I'll be quitting in December. *takes a swig of beer*
Yeah, I fully expect tomorrow to be worse.

So...... When I finally DO go to college, how many of you guys are going to come visit me?????
Oh, come on. SOMEONE has to be going to Nebrasa anyway, so you can swing by on your way up, take me with you(I can hardly be expected to miss out on a chance to flirt with sems now can I?) and then you can drop me off on your way home. Sounds like a good plan to me! So who's up for it!? Anyone??? Oh come ON. NO one is willing to come visit me? *lip starts pouting* *eyes bigin to get watery* *head droops* What if I promise to be REALLY, really good? I would.... *whole attitide changes* Ah forget about it. I could tell that none of you were buying it anyway.

I'm done being weird for tonight, but be warned.... I WILL be back. *duhnduhnduhnnnnnnn........*

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Nothing in particular.

Whoah! I just realized what time it is! I suppose this is what comes of being a procrastinator. I really, really, really don't want to go to work tomorrow. I WOULD quit, but I need the mulah. Oh well, I suppose I had better get to bed before it gets much later.

Someone asked me why I don't write anything intelligent. Hello? Artistic Nonsense? TRY to put two and two together. You're smart. You'll figure it out.

Have any of the rest of you ever felt as though your life isn't getting anywhere? I suppose I should think on Father's last homily, but....... even so, I find it hard to live day to day with no clear understanding of what lay before me.

Does not wanting to cleanall the time make me a lazy person? I don't mind it every once in a while, but I find it hard to do every day, for at least an hour, with no hope of it ever getting finished. Ahh the trials of being me. I suppose it isn't that bad. I'll go to college SOMETIME, and finally be able to start dancing, acting, singing, drawing writing, and exercising as part of SCHOOL. As in, doing it because it is what I'm supposed to be doing, instead of just because it is what I WANT to be doing. I can't wait. My only jobs will be doing things that I LOVE to do.
I LOVE the fine arts. I LOVE college. I hope I get to go there soon.
I do NOT like real school, I do NOT like pre-reqs, and I do NOT like tuition fees(they're the worst).

Life is full of difficulties, with the occasional perk thrown in.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Beer Joke

Dan sent thins to me, and I thought it deserved to be published on a blog. And since no one ever visits MY blog, I decided to post this on both mine AND GinNs.

Here it is. It IS funny I promise.

Subject: "REAL SUDS"

At a world brewing convention in the States, the CEOs of various brewing organizations retired to the bar at the end of each day's conference.

Bruce, CEO of Fosters, shouted to the Barman: "In 'Strylya, we make the best bladdy beer in the world, so pour me a bladdy Fosters, mate."

Bob, CEO of Budweiser, calls out next: "In the States, we brew the finest beers of the world, and I make the king of them all, gimme a Bud."

Hans steps up next: "In Germany ve invented das beer, ferdamt. Give me ein Becks, ya ist der real King of beers, danke."

Paddy, CEO of Guinness, steps forward: "Barman, would ya give me a diet coke with ice and lemon. Tanks."

The others stare at him in stunned silence, amazement written all over their faces. Eventually Bruce asks: "Are you not going to have a Guinness, Pat?" Paddy replies "Well, if you ------ pansies aren't drinkin', then neither am I!"

This joke has been modified from it's origional format due to inappropriate language.



Hello (hello hello)
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me!
Can you tell me where it hurts...?

Saturday, November 05, 2005

A new story altogether

Hello everyone! Or more correctly hello Christa. After all it seems as if you are the only one besides myself who visits my blog lately. I am going to start a new story. I figured that Sprong was getting boring(there's only so much interest one can have in a bald frog) so I thought I'd change the pace.

The Tinker's Daughter
Episode 1: Sir Kael
Being a knight is not all it is reputed to be. It isn't all honor and glory. In fact, there is a very little of that to be had. Unfortunately for Sir Kael, he was finding that out the hard way.
"Dog's fur and rabbit ears!" he fumed, "How the duece am I supposed to be worthy of the King when there are no daring deeds to be done, no adventure to be found! I am a great swordsman, but I have not been able to prove my skill."
His squire Nolen just looked at him blankly as Sir Kael continued his tirade.
"I cannot go back to court until I have done a great deed, but there are none to be found. Nolen, what is your opinion on the matter?"
"Well Sir, as you know I am not overly eager to come upon any "adventures", as you call them. I am perfectly content to roam the countryside in peace. Actually, I find it quite to my liking."
Sir Kael looked at him in disbelief.
"You cannot be serious. All this time I thought you yearned for adventure as much as I do. I really cannot understand you Nolen. You are half again my age, and yet you have no ambition."
Nolen sighed, and took a moment to fram his word before answering.
"Sir, I am not nor do I wish to be a knight. I am a simple carpenter, I only came along with you as your squire because your father wished it. As for my age, you forget that I am only four years your senior, and since I already have a profession, I see no need for glory."
Sir Kael being a kind though foolish man, decided not to point out that being a knight was much better, and much more glorious than being a carpenter. So the pair continued in silence until they reached the next town.
"Nolen, run ahead and find a decent inn. I am going to have a look around the town. And Nolen, make certain that they have good Ale."
Nolen nodded to Sir Kael and left. Sir Kael watched him go for a minute wondering why his father hadn't gotten him a more eager squire, then looked around to see if there was anything of interest in the town.
He didn't have far to go before he found something very interesting to him indeed. About three yards away, he saw a young women selling ribbons, cloth, jewelry, and other odds and ends.
Read the next episode of "The Tinkers Daughter": Enyanthe

Friday, November 04, 2005

Sprong Meets a HedgeHog

Last time on "Sprong"......
Sprong kept hopping merrily along thinking happily about his wig, and imagining all the wonderful things the other frogs would say about his new wig. Instead of cheers, everyone laughed at him, and told him he was better off bald. So it was with the greatest sorrow that Sprong left his pond afraid that he would never again see his beloved home.

I invented this fuzz. I call it my wig."
" Well, I like it. Pleased to meet you. My name is Spongy."...................

Sprong Meets a HedgeHog

"A pleasure I'm sure. Would you like me to show you where I got all my fuzz?"
"Oh, yes." Spongy replied. "If you would please."
So Sprong took Spongy to get himself some fuzz. Then Spongy invited Sprong back to his puddle for supper.
"This in a nice puddle you have here." Sprong said cheerfully. "Did you inherit it from you're father?"
Spongy looked down, suddenly sad. "No. I got separated from my family when I was just a tadpole. Actually, a kind old toad gave it to me after I helped him sink his wife."
Sprong was concerned, and felt badly for him.
Spongy continued. "The old toad then went to live with his daughter and grandtads. He said I could have this puddle since it reminded him too mich of his dear Gorda."
"I see.." Sprong replied. He then asked, "Do you have any idea what happened to your family?"
"Not really." Spongy said forlornly, "I got caught in a mist, and when it cleared, I couldn't find them."
"Really?" Sprong felt as if he had heard this story before. "Say, you're family wouldn't have happened to be bald too would they?"
"My mother wasn't, but my father was. He always said that I inherited the best thing about him. I'm not really sure what he meant, unless he really LIKED being bald."
Sprong swallowed hard.
"What was your mother's name?" He asked.
"Paddy. Wh..."
But Spongy didn't get to finish what he was saying. Sprong had jumped on him, and was shouting at the top of his lungs.

The day after the Two brothers' reunion, Sprong and Spongy decided that they had some brotherly bonding to catch up with. So they went bugging.
Now, you may wonder what bugging is, the term not being in common use. It is, in fact a rather popular activity that frogs engage in, which involves cathing as many different types of bugs as possible, and then comparing the number of different catches to the number of catches the other frogs got.
While out bugging, Sprong asked Spongy if he would like to pause their game for a while in order for him to get a little rest. Bugging is very tiring you see. Spongy said that he perfectly understood, and was attracted to the idea himself. So Sprong went out to find a nice damp spot to rest in.
As he was hopping he heard a quiet call from the bushes.
"Hey you, little frog, come here. Little bald frog, come over here I've got to tell you something."
Wary, but curious, Sprong made his way to where he suspected the voice to be coming from. When he reached the bushes he saw a big old hedgehog squinting at him.
"Did you want something?" Sprong asked confused.
"Yes." The hedgehog replied. "I wanted to tell you that you're a very odd frog."
"Is that all?" Sprong asked more confused than ever at the hedgehogs strange behavior.
"No, no, no. Of course not." The hedgehog answered amused. "I also wanted to tell you that you have a very special quality. Not many frogs are bald, but those that are have been blessed."
Now Sprong was absolutely convinced that the hedgehog was crazy. But because he didn't want to be rude, and because of the hedgehogs size, Sprong decided to humor him.
"Well, thank you very much Mr. Hedgehog. I really haven't seen how my baldness is a blessing, but perhaps I just haven't appreciated it like I should." Sprong said as seriously as he could.
"Eh? What's that? You never found your baldness to be a blessing? Why I've known a frog who would have been dead many a time over if not for his baldness! And you don't appreciate it. Kids these days. They never appreciate anything"
And with that the hedgehog trudged off. Leaving Sprong bewildered, confused, and wondering what frog the hedgehog had been talking about.....

Sorry guys. I know the story was supposed to be titled "Sprong meets a hedgehog and get's a girlfriend", but I JUST couldn't get it all in one issue. I've stayed up late enough as it is.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Here's something weird......

I just posted the next episode of "Sprong" and it got put into the archives. I guess it's because I had posted it, unfinished and by accident, a while ago. So, anyway, if you want to read the next issue of "Sprong" go to archives.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Something interesting

O ye merry people, so young and so free
You all enjoy life to it's full
You go blissfully on for you cannot see
The way life will take it's toll

But keep on good fellows
Enjoy while you may
Don't stop loving life
But sometime today

When your feeling bored
Take a little time off
To thank our dear Lord
Who gave his away

I thank You dear God for all You've given me,
I thank You for myself and for my family,
But most of all God, what I thank you for,
Is the life that You gave, how can I ask for more.

The rhymes are a bit strange, but I am to tired and to lazy to come up with something better.
Happy All Saints.

Past due

Alright everyone, I figure that I have gone long enough without posting anything so I decided to give you all a bit of something to read. (Not that you don't have enough to read what with Ginny and Tracy's blogs)

So what am I going to write about? Well, I'll tell you. No. nevermind I've decided not to write about what I was going to write about.

To tell the truth, my life has been slightly boring lately. I really have just been stuck in routine. I haven't written, drawn, or composed anything interesting lately...... Which is, I suppose, the reason for my extended silence in the blogger department. I've been busy doing boring things.

Really, the only new thing that might happen is................... I may be able to go to Benedictine college in the spring. I certainly hope so. Heaven knows I've been idle long enough. I'm certainly beginning to feel a bit restless. I just hope that I'll be able to go soon, even if it's not this spring. So, you know, if you'd keep me in your prayers I'd appreciate it.

Sorry that I didn't have anything interesting to say. Better luck next time eh?