Artistic Nonsense

I'm an artist who writes nonsense..... Or is that just part of being an artist....

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

New Post Srikes Back........

Once again, this has no other purpose than to be new. :)

Friday, March 24, 2006

This post has no other purpose than to be new.

I told you so.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Well FINE!!!

Well, FINE!! If you all WANT me to delete my blog, than I WILL.

I won't ever tell another story on this blog AGAIN!!! You'll never get to hear about the wild curly-haired shepherdess and her faithful goat named Carrie. And you'll never hear about town priest whose nightly activities consist of violently killing any "evildoers". And you won't hear about the town gypsy named Rosetta whose fortune-telling skills are unmatchable. OR about how the town priest Fr. Skyremer has been trying to kill her for years, but due to here amazing fortune-telling abilities, she has managed to escape every time. And you won't read a word about Sister Christian, the crazy nun who thinks that the dictionary is the Bible.

So THERE!!!!!!!!!!! That is all part of only ONE of my stories that you will NEVER read because you have more important things to do than read MY blog.

No, no, really. Go right ahead and rejoice at the revival of GINNYS blog. Mine will die in relative peace.


::Shelley stomps off, never to return::

::well, maybe now and then she'll look back to see if anyone noticed that she posted something new..... also to see if anyone will beg her to post her awesome story::

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Not dead after all.....

Well everyone, I suppose that my blog isn't dead after all. It really seemed quite dead there for a while, but after a few months in rehab, we at the office have decided that it'll be OKAY. That is, as long as it gets support from its friends.

Hm. You wanna know something else that's strange, I can still access all of the posts and comments that were on GinNs blog. I don't know why, how, or how long I'll be able too, but I think that it is cool that I can.

I have a headache, and I'm going to the fungus farm. So I'lkl talk to Ya's alls later!

signed: Only Known Doctor Who Can Perfom The Lengthiest Procedure Of Doing Surgery On An Apparently Dead Blog.